Monday, February 25, 2008


From the years of previous decades people the world have been in the belief of using precious and semi-precious stones to cure some diseases and mental disorders and also to change and improve their life conditions. Astrologers are telling that planets of our solar system represent different gemstones according to their properties. They are also telling that radiant forces from every planet will make particular effect to the persons with respect to their Zodiac sign and position of planets in their horoscope. If the effect is desirable one there will be nothing to worry. But when some thing go wrong with our living conditions, it is advised by the astrologers that the affected persons have to wear the ring or ornaments made up of gemstones which suits their zodiac sign and the position of the planets in their horoscope. The rationale of the use of gems to afford protection from evil influences of planets and enhance their beneficial effects. Gems act like vaccines in preventing diseases. Properties and compositions of precious and semiprecious gem stones connected with the planets and tests of their genuineness and quality. Utility of gem stones in diseases of the heart. Gem stones cure diseases and bring happiness and prosperity. Inexpensive semi-precious stones act as effective substitutes for costly precious stones.

Select the stone matching to your zodiac sign

Lucky Stone:Carnelian

Power of Carnelian
Carnelian combats fear of public speaking and impotence. Carnelian is a very highly evolved mineral healer. Often referred to as the Master Communicator. It vitalizes the physical/mental and emotional bodies. Facilitates concentration and opens the heart. It is a warming and joyous gem. Promotes feelings of well-being. Aids concentration and focus. Increase energy level. Good for meditation, to focus the mind on higher goals. Helps one get closer to nature and inspires bravery and courage. Known as a mineral healer. It Energizes and regenerates loves and relationships. Used for confidence, boldness, initiative, assertiveness, fertility, warms and cleanses blood, kidneys, stimulates appetite, emotions, passion. A healing stone for PMS, arthritis, kidneys, gall bladder, asthma and the pancreas.

Lucky Stone: Rose Quartz

Power of Rose Quartz
"stone of gentle love". Symbolic of warmth and love. The bringer of love in its many forms romantic and otherwise. Wear it to attract love, give it to someone as a symbol of your love or appreciation. Increases Fertility. Eases sexual and emotional stress. Enhances self confidence and creativity. Gemstone of the heart. An emotional release and balancing stone. Cleanse and recharge often. Gently soothes and warms heart center, emotional healing, loss, stress, hurt, fear, low confidence, resentment and anger. A gentle, lovingly powerful, motherly stone sending subtle energy to where ever it is directed. Extremely powerful when used to calm and alleviate problems of the heart and emotions. Bringing with it unconditional love and wisdom.

Lucky Stones: Agate, Hematite

Power of Agate
"Grounding stone". For grounding, attracts good luck, and aids in meditation. It is a symbol of health and long, life and a powerful good luck charm for all persons born under the sign of gemini. Aids in peace, happiness & distress. enhance one's perceptiveness and to stimulate analytical capacity, and to provide balance between one's physical, emotional, intelectual and spiritual states. Agate is also said to alleviate hostilities and promote goodwill.

Power of Hematite
A black silvery stone, it is quite heavy. It has known favor amongst royalty since Egyptian and Greek daysUnlike Lodestone, Hematite is not magnetic. Wearing Hematite Jewelry is said to bring favorable outcomes of petitions and lawsuits, this gemstone should be considered by all attorneys. The Egyptian Book of the Dead recommends Hematite for the head rest amulet. Grounding agent, most grounding of all the gemstones, reduces stress and combats insomnia. Energizing and vitalizing. Enhances personal magnetism. Hematite was a sacred stone used by the warriors of ancient Rome and Greece as an amulet to protect against wounds, and to increase courage on the battlefield.

Lucky Stones: Moonstone, mother-of-pearl

Power of Moonstone
So called for its resemblance to the silvery moon, it comes in pure white with blue fire (Rainbow), white, gray, peach, pink and yellow. The Greeks believed the stone was ruled by the Goddess Selene. Moonstone is most commonly associated with foretelling the future during the full or waning of the moon. To achieve the desired clairvoyance and answers to questions, the stone is placed in the mouth before bed. The answer is said to come in dreams during the night. Flawless (eye-clean) stones are required in order for Moon astral talismans to properly transmit beneficial Lunar energy.For all relationships, family, mates and lovers, to keep the existing harmony or to restore it, also used to attract new a new one. Wear a ring of moonstone as amulet jewelry to attract a love. Carry a moonstone in a charm bag to attract good luck or prevent nervousness. The powers of the moonstone (also known as the “Stone of Love”) are extremely potent when it is worn or carried by persons born under the Moon-ruled astrological sign of Cancer. Soothes stress, anxiety, women's hormones/menstrual imbalances, enhances intuitive senses. via feeling and less overwhelmed by personal feelings. Greater flexibility and flow with life, emotional balance and gracefulness. Associated with the moon, moonstone is able to speed up childbirth, easing labor pains, helping the mind and alleviating the symptoms of PMT and period pain.

Powers of mother-of-pearlpearls
were known to cure mental illness and heartbreak. Pearls were once thought to be the tears of God, and their shape represented an association between the moon and the sea. The pearl is considered to be an emblem of modesty, chastity, and purity; and symbolizes love, success, and happiness. Since it has a tremendous ability to calm and lessen the fears of those who wear it, it is especially helpful for anyone whose life is intense and stressful. It is also associated with protection and wealth. It signifies faith, charity, and innocence, enhances personal integrity, and helps to provide focus to ones attention. Pearls are sacred to all lunar deities, and are a part of nearly every love charm of the Orient. They can be worn in the form of amulet jewelry or carried in charm bags as amulets for healing, to protect against fire, and to ward off evil. Pearls are ruled by the Moon, and are said to be powerful lucky charms for all persons born under the astrological sign of Cancer. (Please note: Pearls must be worn constantly to keep them from loosing their amuletic power.) Symbol of pure heart and mind, innocence, faith. Works well on the solar plexus chakras (digestion, stomach, immunity) and emotional stress. Cleanse stone frequently. t is associated with our home planet's satellite Moon. The pearl is not a mined gemstoneLoss of memory, Lack of sex feeling, Chest and Lungs diseases, Mind problems and cough can be cured by the wearing of pearl.

Lucky Stones: Diamond, Quartz, Tiger's Eye

Power of Diamond
The diamond is a highly valued gemstone that symbolizes peace, fidelity, innocence, and serenity. It is a powerful good luck charm for all persons born under the astrological sign of Leo. When worn as amuletic jewelry, it prevents nightmares, balances both positive and negative energies, and brings confidence, divine wisdom, and consciousness. A diamond helps to improve concentration, promotes spirituality and protects against evil forces. It is associated with wisdom, courage, purity, innocence, repentance, forgiveness and joy. Losing a diamond is considered very unlucky. It should preferably be gifted to the wearer, not purchased. and worn on the left side of the body. It is recommended for those seeking constancy in marriage and for sleepwalkers. It is believed to cure diseases of the bladder and heart, leucoderma and insanity. Its ash can be used for treating tuberculosis, diabetes, anaemia and swellings.

Powers of Quartz
Avoid Strong Heat because it may change the color of amethyst, citrine, quartz and smoky quartz. Some quartz and amethyst may fade in light.In general, quartz is a fairly durable stone use as a gift of love. This Enhances the body and mind. An emotional balancer. Amplifies your energy. Excellent for meditation. QUARTZ is a Stone of power. Amplifies energy and facilitates growth and awareness. A natural healing stone and an aid in balancing psychic awareness.Softens negative energy. A filter and trap for those negative thoughts and emotions that are everywhere present. Keep one nearby where you work, bring one with you when you expect to be around negative a stone of gentle love. Symbolic of warmth and love. The bringer of love in its many forms- romantic and otherwise. Wear it to attract love, give it to someone as a symbol of your love or appreciation. Increases Fertility. Eases sexual and emotional stress. Enhances self confidence and creativity. Gemstone of the heart. An emotional release and balancing stone. Cleanse and recharge often. Gently soothes and warms heart center, emotional healing, loss, stress, hurt, fear, low confidence, resentment and anger. quartz emits a calming, cooling energy and is associated with healing, balance, love, the heart and beauty. It is thought to be a healing aid that gently soothes and warms the heart center or the heart chakra. Emotional healing from loss, stress, hurt, fear, low confidence, resentment or anger. Slowly easing childhood traumas, neglect, lack of love or low self-esteem. Imbalances of this chakra have been said to cause colds, allergies and psychosomatic illnesses. When in balance, the heart chakra is thought to make one open to love and compassion with emotional balance, very good for expressing and soothing emotions. Some believe that rose quartz has a calming effect that helps people develop strong friendships.

Powers of Tiger's Eye
Emotional Balancer, Enhances perception and willpower. Helps gain insight to perceive and think more clearly. Strengthens the mind and is often used as a good luck charm. Clears thinking, confidence, will power.All you have to do to know the spiritual value of tigereye is think of its name. Tigereye promotes clear-eyed vision. It helps us see ourselves and the world around us more perceptively. Like the great cat it's named for, this gem stone knows the importance of being attentive. When we keep our eyes wide open, we are more apt to act appropriately and at the appropriate moment. It's an approach to life that can help us live longer and embrace life as an exciting learning experience. When things get tense around you, look at the tigereye to remind you: stop, look and listen before you do any leaping.Asbestos that has been replaced with iron-bearing quartz, leaving the fibrous appearance behind and creating the eye or chatoyant effect. Wearing Tiger Eye Jewelry is universally thought to bring good fortune and to protect from the "Evil Eye".

Lucky Stone: Peridot

Power of Peridot
The zodiac stone for Virgo, the attractive peridot promotes prosperity, fertility, growth, and healing. The vivid, slightly golden shimmering of Peridot is the ideal gemstone colour to complement a light summertime outfit. Peridot is used to help dreams become a reality. Peridot is given as a symbol of fame, dignity, and protection. LibraLucky Stone: Blue Lace Agate
Power of Blue Lace Agate"Grounding stone". For grounding, attracts good luck, and aids in meditation. It is a symbol of health and long, life and a powerful good luck charm for all persons born under the sign of Libra . Aids in peace, happiness & distress.Metaphysical and healing lore is for inspiration, folklore, reference, and entertainment purposes only. I would be devastated if someone got hurt or was ill because they read the lore on this site and decided to give up healthcare because of it. See your doctor or other qualified healthcare practitioner about all injuries, illness or other health related issues! Mystical lore on crystal healing and spiritual healing is not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information; they are alternative and complementary and are not scientifically substantiated.

Lucky Stone: Amethyst

Power of Amethyst
Amethyst is a variety of microcrystaline quartz (silicon dioxide). Amethyst quartz is layered with milky white quartz stripes and is opaque to translucent. Amethyst is the most highly valued stone in the quartz family and it is said to have many supernatural powers: it brings luck, ensures constancy, and protects against magic and home-sickness. The name is Greek and probably means "not drunken" as amethyst was also worn as an amulet against drunkenness. Amethyst is a Stone of spirituality and contentment". The healer for the body, mind and soul, it has the universal vibration and enables the holder of the crystal to be connected to it. Good for insomnia, headaches and over-indulgence in liquor. It purifies and is excellent for those who meditate. It is a gemstone of power, peace, protection, and spirituality. It helps balance the aura, controls evil thoughts, sharpens the intellect, and brings contentment and sincerity into the loves of those who use it.

Lucky Stone: Garnet

Power of Garnet
"Stone of health and love". Repels negativity, gives courage and confidence, builds a defensive aura around oneself, guards against depression and melancholy. Also known as the “Passion Stone” the garnet is a balancer of the yin/yang energies. It increases psychic sensitivity and sexual energy. A Garnet is an ideal gemstone to use during meditative rituals, and it can be worn as amuletic jewelry to attract sexual love and soul mates. When placed under a pillow or worn while sleeping, it wards off bad dreams and evil spirits of the night. It also protects the wearer from all dangers when traveling.Accidents, Skin diseases, Poisonous diseases, Non-diagnosable diseases, Leprosy, Abdominal and Stomach problems, Mental illness and Spiritual problems are solved by the wearing of this gemstone.

Lucky Stone: Sodalite

Powers of Sodalite
Healing of emotions and physical body. An aid to transformation when used in meditation. Calms and clears the mind brings clarity and truth. Enhances creative expression. Great for communications and writing stone. Balances body energy levels, works best on the heart chakras, balances the glandular and lymphatic system cooling and drawing for infections, burns and sinus inflammation. Works with the Throat chakra, for insomnia, neck, mouth, hearing and blood sugar.Sodalite brings inner peace. Keep sodalite in your pockets and in every room of your house, so its peaceful properties will flow all around you.Sodalite is a dark blue stone with white calcite interspersed. It is sometimes confused with lapis lazuli as it also has small specks of pyrite in it. The largest deposit of sodalite is in Brazil.Sodalite is the stone of athletics, as it stimulates endurance. It is said sodalite will harmonize the inner being or the conscious and subconscious mind. Sodalite promotes peace and harmony. Sodalite is extra lucky for writers.Sodalite is associated with the thyroid. It is perfect in a necklace. Wear it when you want to loose a few pounds. It helps in communicating and will give confidence to speak more.

Lucky Stones: Topaz, Garnet

Powers of Topaz
Known as the "stone of true love". Wear any type of topaz jewelry as an amulet to protect against injury or attack. Topaz is said to bring happiness, longevity, beauty, intelligence, and good luck when worn by persons born in November. One can focus their desires through this stone, visual images in the mind are transformed into universal messages. Enables communication from other realms in the universe. Mental clarity, focus, perception, confidence, personal power.The enduring symbol of love and affection, the topaz is believed to bring the wearer friendship and ensure fidelity. Available in a wide array of colors.Topaz was once thought to strengthen the mind, increase wisdom, and prevent mental disorders. It was thought to guard against sudden death. Powdered topaz added to wine was used to prevent asthma and insomnia. A cure for weak vision called for immersing the stone in wine for three days and nights, then rubbing the liquid on the eyes.

Power of Garnet
"Stone of health and love". Repels negativity, gives courage and confidence, builds a defensive aura around oneself, guards against depression and melancholy. Also known as the “Passion Stone” the garnet is a balancer of the yin/yang energies. It increases psychic sensitivity and sexual energy. A Garnet is an ideal gemstone to use during meditative rituals, and it can be worn as amuletic jewelry to attract sexual love and soul mates. When placed under a pillow or worn while sleeping, it wards off bad dreams and evil spirits of the night. It also protects the wearer from all dangers when traveling.Accidents, Skin diseases, Poisonous diseases, Non-diagnosable diseases, Leprosy, Abdominal and Stomach problems, Mental illness and Spiritual problems are solved by the wearing of this gemstone.

Lucky Stones: Amethyst

Power of Amethyst
Amethyst is a variety of microcrystaline quartz (silicon dioxide). Amethyst quartz is layered with milky white quartz stripes and is opaque to translucent. Amethyst is the most highly valued stone in the quartz family and it is said to have many supernatural powers: it brings luck, ensures constancy, and protects against magic and home-sickness. The name is Greek and probably means "not drunken" as amethyst was also worn as an amulet against drunkenness. Amethyst is a Stone of spirituality and contentment". The healer for the body, mind and soul, it has the universal vibration and enables the holder of the crystal to be connected to it. Good for insomnia, headaches and over-indulgence in liquor. It purifies and is excellent for those who meditate. It is a gemstone of power, peace, protection, and spirituality. It helps balance the aura, controls evil thoughts, sharpens the intellect, and brings contentment and sincerity into the loves of those who use it.

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